Phips Bounty Proclamation


Spencer Phips
Phips Bounty ProclamationPhips Bounty Proclamation


This proclamation, issued in 1755 by Spencer Phips, then lieutenant governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, declares the Penobscot Tribe "to be Enemies, Rebels and Traitors to his Majesty King George the Second" and calls for their extermination, offering rewards for scalps of Penobscot men, women, and children.


S P E N C E R   P H I P S, Esq;

Lieutenant-Governor and Commander in Chief, in and over His Majesty’s Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England


WHEREAS the Tribe of Penobscot Indians have repeatedly in a perfidious Manner acted contrary to their solemn Submission unto His Majesty long since made and frequently renewed;

I have therefore, at the desire of the house of representatives, with the advice of his Majesty’s Council, thought fit to issue this proclamation, and to declare the Penobscot Tribe of Indians to be Enemies, Rebels and Traitors to his Majesty King George the Second: And I do hereby require hisMajesty’s Subjects of this province to embrace all Opportunities of pursuing, captivating, killing and destroying all and every of the aforesaid Indians.

AND WHERE AS the General Court of this Province have voted that a Bounty or Incouragement be grated and allowed to be paid out of the Publick Treasury, to the marching Forces that shall have been employed for the Defence of the Eastern and Western Frontiers, from the First to the Twenty-fifth of thisInstant November;

I have thought fit to publish the same; and I do hereby promise, That there shall be paid out of the Province=Treasury to all and any of the laid forces, over and above their Bounty upon Fulfillment, their Wages and Subsistence, the Premiums or Bounty following, viz.

For every Male Penobscot Indian above the Age of Twelve Years, that shall be taken within the Time aforesaid and brought to Boston, Fifty Pounds.

For every Scalp of a Male Penobscot Indian above the Age aforesaid, brought in as Evidence of their being killed as aforesaid, Forty Pounds.

For every Female Penobscot Indian taken and brought in as aforesaid, and for every Male Indian Prisoner under the Age of Twelve Years, taken and brought in as aforesaid, Twenty-five Pounds.

For every Scalp of such Female Indian or Male Indian under the Age of Twelve Years, that shall be killed and brought in as Evidence of their being killed as aforesaid, Twenty Pounds.

Given at the Council-Chamber in Boston, this Third Day of November 1755, and in the Twenty-ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of GOD of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, etc

By His Honour’s Command,
F. Willard, Secr. S. Phips

GOD Save the KING
