MITSC Focus Area

Improving Government to Government Relations

Promoting Progress and Collaboration: MITSC's Role in Strengthening Tribal-State Relations

The Maine Indian Tribal-State Commission (MITSC) is dedicated to fostering meaningful government-to-government relationships and advancing the effectiveness of the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act.

Key initiatives include:
  • Advocating for the revisitation and potential revision of the MITSC bill (LD 1679) to enhance its impact.
  • Supporting the implementation of the Tribal-State Collaboration statute (Chap. 376, 5 MRSA §11051 et seq.) for stronger partnerships.
  • Conducting research and providing education on critical constitutional issues like Question 6, including the repeal of Article X, Sections 5 and 7.
  • Facilitating direct tribal access to federal block grant funding to empower communities.
  • Promoting the principles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in Tribal-State interactions.
  • Enhancing protections under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) by improving Tribal-State criminal history information sharing.
  • Monitoring initiatives to return state lands to tribes, including the significant Wahsehtek deal (31,000 acres along the Penobscot River).
  • Collaborating with the Permanent Commission on Racial, Indigenous & Tribal Populations to address systemic racism impacting Wabanaki people, including disparities in law enforcement and incarceration.

MITSC also plays a pivotal role in publishing research reports, participating in Tribal-State Task Force initiatives, and recommending mutually beneficial solutions to settlement-related challenges. Its Wabanaki-focused cultural competency training seeks to build stronger, more respectful Tribal-State partnerships and ensure lasting collaboration.

By addressing these critical areas, MITSC is driving progress toward equitable and effective Tribal-State relations.


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